Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2019

During my training as a graphic designer and illustrator
I learned to work on paper and other painting grounds.
At that time there were no computers for this purpose.

In professional life then I have become increasingly more
involved in using the computer.
Now, 40 years later and soon enjoying pension,
I feel like returning to the old techniques –
drawing and painting on canvas with real colours.
The emphasis on traditionel craftsmanship
(preparing and painting on canvas) is particularly
important to me.

A wooden framework with a mounted canvas.
The whole construction protected by a wooden frame.
You can understand all the steps, side wards and
from behind. You can see the canvas, the primer and
the multiple layers of color. And – the wooden picture frame
is an important part of the whole object too.

Sonntag, 10. November 2019

Donnerstag, 7. November 2019

Dienstag, 5. November 2019

Waiting to be framed.

Harley Davidson Motorcycle 1

Umbra natur
Terra di Sienna gebrannt

Harley Davidson Sidecar 1

Umbra natur
Umbra grünlich
Preusisch Blau

Honda Motorcycle + Trailer 1

Terra di Sienna gebrannt

Honda Motorcycle + Trailer 1

Terra di Sienna gebrannt

Harley Davidson Motorcycle 2

Terra di Sienna gebrannt
Umbra grünlich

Childrens toys